Invisible Braces

Invisible Braces

You’re likely familiar with brand names such as Invisalign or Sure Smile, but what actually are they? Primarily designed with the cosmetic improvement of the position of the front teeth, invisible braces of all brands are a series of clear plastic orthodontic aligners which guide the teeth from present to desired position.

How does it work?

Believe it or not, your teeth are always moving, albeit minutely. It’s why we see & feel changes in their position over time, especially the lower front teeth. Each aligner exerts gentle pressure upon the teeth in the direction in which you would like them to move. Once the teeth have moved to the correct position, the next aligner in the series is worn, and so on until the desired position is achieved. At the end of treatment, a retainer is made for you to wear at night to help prevent the teeth moving back towards their previous position.

Who does it work for?

Provided you are dentally fit and have good oral hygiene, you could consider using invisible braces. Suitability depends several other factors such as the degree of overcrowding of your teeth, your bite and jaw relationship etc. We offer a free, no obligation initial assessment to all of our patients who are considering invisible braces, this includes intraoral scanning, treatment simulation (so you can see each stage of tooth movement from start to finish) and complimentary treatment estimate, so feel free to come and chat.

So, why Invisible Braces?

We often associate orthodontics with traditional NHS ‘train track’ braces; metal brackets bonded to teeth and connected by wires. Whist these traditional braces still have a place for some patients and tooth positions, invisible braces can emulate much of what they achieve, without the undesired appearance of metal components. They can be removed whenever desired, say for important social events or speaking engagements. The fact that they are removable also allows excellent standards of oral hygiene to be maintained.